Advanced Training Courses

The courses taught within the SAHC programme can now be attended separately, without the need to enroll in the SAHC Master Course. These courses are of interest to those interested in the conservation, repair and strengthening of the built heritage, be it monuments, other cultural heritage buildings or existing buildings in general. This includes mainly civil engineers and architects, but also, for some courses, art historians, archaeologists and other interested in cultural heritage buildings, interested in complementing or updating their knowledge with the best professional and scientific approaches and techniques.

The attendants can be professionals such as consultants, employees in building contractors, building material producers and suppliers, heritage authorities and others, as well as graduate students (MSc or PhD) enrolled in other programs.

The language of instruction, examination, course materials and counselling is English. The fee for each course is of 1,000 Euro. All successful attendees receive a certificate issued by the SAHC Consortium attesting the course and ECTS credits earned. Acquired credits can be recognized for PhD programmes (if applicable).

Interested candidates to enrol in one or more courses should fill the following application form and send it together with the Curriculum Vitae, detailing academic studies and professional experience to support the application. These elements should be submitted in English to the SAHC secretariat ( as soon as possible, but no later than three months before the course starts. Admission is subjected to the approval of the Managing Board and is limited to a maximum of twenty participants.

For further information, please download this leaflet or contact the Secretariat at

International Journal of Architecture Heritage
SAHC Alumni World
Best Cultural Heritage Award 2017
First SAHC Book
Second SAHC Book